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Physical exam


Jockstrap Fan
I have to share my recent experience at the doctors. please post if you’ve had a similar experience with this!

I had a surprise annual physical and it was the closest thing I’ve had to my medical fantasies.

I wanted to see a new PCP because I wasn’t feeling like I was getting the best care at my old one. I decided to see a gay men’s healthcare provider because I wanted to discuss intimate medical issues that only a gay doctor can relate to.

I scheduled a new patient appointment and called the place to also add a physical exam since I haven’t had one in a while. The receptionist on the other line said they DONT do physical exams on the first visit (which I was sad about but still kept the appointment, thought I’d at least establish myself as a patient).

My appointment was at 10am. It was a pretty warm morning so I dressed in an t-shirt, basketball shorts, a jockstrap (this is what I normally wear because of a medical condition that requires tight underwear, also didn’t think I’d have to undress or else I would’ve worn briefs at least) and running shoes.

I get to my exam, check in, and wait in the waiting room. The nurse calls me back and takes my weight outside of the exam room (clothes on) and takes the rest of my vitals in the exam room. After she leaves and I wait for the doctor.

Doctor comes in and asks me a bunch of questions (I thought this was gonna be the extent of my appointment). Towards the end of the questioning, which took like 15-20 minutes, he says “well we have time for a physical today, why don’t you take your clothes off, but your underwear”. I was given no gown. I comply, knowing full well I’m just going to be in my jockstrap, which I was not expecting, but now I’m a little hot. I start to take off my shirt, shorts, and shoes but left my jockstrap and socks on. The doctor is still in the exam room with me as I undress. I’m a bit embarrassed that I’m only in a jockstrap, and I basically apologize for wearing a jockstrap because I didn’t realize I’d need to be unclothed. The doctors says it’s fine and that he sees jockstraps all the time(Hot).

I take a seat on the exam table. He continues to talk to me and gives me a thorough exam. He then asks me to lay back, so I am lying down in my jockstrap as he continues to ask me questions for another 5 minutes. He palpitates my abdomen and feels up everywhere. He then asks me to standup so he can check my testicles. I pull down my jockstrap to my knees and to my surprise, my cock is semi-erect and there’s a bit of Precum on the end of it, I was so embarrassed. He feels my testicles and rolls each testicle in between of his thumb and two fingers. Then he asks me to turn around (while my jockstrap is around my knees) and bend over the exam table. He looks at my hole and inserts a swab for what felt like a good 20 seconds. After that, I’m told I can put my jockstrap back on (my cock is leaking at this point) and that I can get dressed.

I must say that though this fulfilled a fantasy of mine, I fully respect my provider and his authority. I felt very comfortable around him which made the whole experience even better.

Does anyone have similar experiences?


Jockstrap Fan
super hot thanks for sharing....I also have this fantasy of stripping to my jockstrap in doctors office. I look for this opportunity all the time. Also watch alot of porn that involves a medical physical. so hot to me. See my jock I would wear for the doctor in my pictures attached below


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Jockstrap Fan
I met an intern in the Emerg Dept at a nearby hospital. He has two more years to go, but wants to do family medicine. And he had a discreetly Pride striped lanyard with his name on the tag, which he let me photograph. I also got that gay vibe from him.


Jockstrap Fan
I am also a medical fetish player and as part of an exam, the patient must be fitted for a jockstrap and cup. I love being both patient and doctor and it's also a lot of fun to do various procedures like enema with the patient wearing a jockstrap.

strapped wrangler

Jockstrap Fan
I had an injury recently and have had lots of exams from doctors and my physical therapist. I have been seen many times in my jock. I never say anything about it and they don't either. The physical therapist is straight and married, but I think he's a little bit on our side. I think he enjoys the hands-on closeness and eye contact which we are both very comfortable with.

I think men can enjoy being close with each other intimately without it getting sexual.

They took a bunch of x-rays of my leg. My package was in the x-rays. The x-rays were passed around all the medical staff! But unfortunately, my junk wasn't looking very impressive. 😒 Sob! My jock grouped everything together into a smaller clump. It was disappointing. So, I guess I won't put the x-rays on my Facebook page. 😫

If I had known how it would have looked, I would have moved the pouch to the side and turned everything loose to claim more of the photo! 😲 Maybe next time! 💪😁🧡

Anyway, I'm a bit of an exhibitionist, and I enjoy any chance to be seen in a jockstrap! 🏅🤪👍


Jockstrap Fan
I have to share my recent experience at the doctors. please post if you’ve had a similar experience with this!

I had a surprise annual physical and it was the closest thing I’ve had to my medical fantasies.

I wanted to see a new PCP because I wasn’t feeling like I was getting the best care at my old one. I decided to see a gay men’s healthcare provider because I wanted to discuss intimate medical issues that only a gay doctor can relate to.

I scheduled a new patient appointment and called the place to also add a physical exam since I haven’t had one in a while. The receptionist on the other line said they DONT do physical exams on the first visit (which I was sad about but still kept the appointment, thought I’d at least establish myself as a patient).

My appointment was at 10am. It was a pretty warm morning so I dressed in an t-shirt, basketball shorts, a jockstrap (this is what I normally wear because of a medical condition that requires tight underwear, also didn’t think I’d have to undress or else I would’ve worn briefs at least) and running shoes.

I get to my exam, check in, and wait in the waiting room. The nurse calls me back and takes my weight outside of the exam room (clothes on) and takes the rest of my vitals in the exam room. After she leaves and I wait for the doctor.

Doctor comes in and asks me a bunch of questions (I thought this was gonna be the extent of my appointment). Towards the end of the questioning, which took like 15-20 minutes, he says “well we have time for a physical today, why don’t you take your clothes off, but your underwear”. I was given no gown. I comply, knowing full well I’m just going to be in my jockstrap, which I was not expecting, but now I’m a little hot. I start to take off my shirt, shorts, and shoes but left my jockstrap and socks on. The doctor is still in the exam room with me as I undress. I’m a bit embarrassed that I’m only in a jockstrap, and I basically apologize for wearing a jockstrap because I didn’t realize I’d need to be unclothed. The doctors says it’s fine and that he sees jockstraps all the time(Hot).

I take a seat on the exam table. He continues to talk to me and gives me a thorough exam. He then asks me to lay back, so I am lying down in my jockstrap as he continues to ask me questions for another 5 minutes. He palpitates my abdomen and feels up everywhere. He then asks me to standup so he can check my testicles. I pull down my jockstrap to my knees and to my surprise, my cock is semi-erect and there’s a bit of Precum on the end of it, I was so embarrassed. He feels my testicles and rolls each testicle in between of his thumb and two fingers. Then he asks me to turn around (while my jockstrap is around my knees) and bend over the exam table. He looks at my hole and inserts a swab for what felt like a good 20 seconds. After that, I’m told I can put my jockstrap back on (my cock is leaking at this point) and that I can get dressed.

I must say that though this fulfilled a fantasy of mine, I fully respect my provider and his authority. I felt very comfortable around him which made the whole experience even better.

Does anyone have similar experiences?
Id be embarrassed too


Jockstrap Fan
I also have a thing about medical exams. While this didn't involve a jock, it is similar in nature. In my 30's I had to have something checked out on my body and I did not have a primary doctor at the time. A physician was recommended to me and I set up an appointment. I arrived at the dr's office was informed that since this was my first time, He wanted to give me a complete physical. I said ok, since it made sense to me. I was led to an examination room and was told to remove all my clothes including my underwear sit on the exam table and they gave me a paper covering, no gown. I was like wow, never been so exposed before. As I sat naked, with people coming in an out of the room taking my vitals, taking blood etc. I could feel my cock start to grow. I concentrated on stopping it or so I thought until the doctor came in. Nice looking older guy. He told the nurse he was giving the exam now and not to have anyone come into the room until he was finished and she left. He asked me some questions etc, then told me to lay back on the table which i did. He then completely removed my paper cover from me, and to my embarrassment, my cock had finished getting hard pointing at my belly button. He then pulled out the stirrups and put my legs in each so I was fully exposed to him. He played with my balls for a bit, then probed my hole. I am pretty sure I was leaking at this point. He then pulled my cock up away from my body and let go of it slapping my stomach a couple of times. He never said anything about it and of course I was too embarrassed to say anything. The exam was over and I could not wait to go home and jerk off. Never had an exam like that since.


Jockstrap Fan
Very hot indeed. I am still waiting for one of these fantasy exams, and am hard as steel right now just reading a couple of these stories. Ever my gay doctors are so professional, I think they must be saints for not succumbing to natural male instincts.


More in my albums!
I had an injury recently and have had lots of exams from doctors and my physical therapist. I have been seen many times in my jock. I never say anything about it and they don't either. The physical therapist is straight and married, but I think he's a little bit on our side. I think he enjoys the hands-on closeness and eye contact which we are both very comfortable with.

I think men can enjoy being close with each other intimately without it getting sexual.

They took a bunch of x-rays of my leg. My package was in the x-rays. The x-rays were passed around all the medical staff! But unfortunately, my junk wasn't looking very impressive. 😒 Sob! My jock grouped everything together into a smaller clump. It was disappointing. So, I guess I won't put the x-rays on my Facebook page. 😫

If I had known how it would have looked, I would have moved the pouch to the side and turned everything loose to claim more of the photo! 😲 Maybe next time! 💪😁🧡

Anyway, I'm a bit of an exhibitionist, and I enjoy any chance to be seen in a jockstrap! 🏅🤪👍
So then why no jockstrap photos in an album on here ?


If not commando, then jocked.
I also have a thing about medical exams. While this didn't involve a jock, it is similar in nature. In my 30's I had to have something checked out on my body and I did not have a primary doctor at the time. A physician was recommended to me and I set up an appointment. I arrived at the dr's office was informed that since this was my first time, He wanted to give me a complete physical. I said ok, since it made sense to me. I was led to an examination room and was told to remove all my clothes including my underwear sit on the exam table and they gave me a paper covering, no gown. I was like wow, never been so exposed before. As I sat naked, with people coming in an out of the room taking my vitals, taking blood etc. I could feel my cock start to grow. I concentrated on stopping it or so I thought until the doctor came in. Nice looking older guy. He told the nurse he was giving the exam now and not to have anyone come into the room until he was finished and she left. He asked me some questions etc, then told me to lay back on the table which i did. He then completely removed my paper cover from me, and to my embarrassment, my cock had finished getting hard pointing at my belly button. He then pulled out the stirrups and put my legs in each so I was fully exposed to him. He played with my balls for a bit, then probed my hole. I am pretty sure I was leaking at this point. He then pulled my cock up away from my body and let go of it slapping my stomach a couple of times. He never said anything about it and of course I was too embarrassed to say anything. The exam was over and I could not wait to go home and jerk off. Never had an exam like that since.
My exams have involved hardons often — the Corps doctors tended to be VERY fuckable, and as a kid the team doctors were usually young jock-types. None ever did anything other than reassure me that it’s normal, and it’s confirmation of being in good working order.


Jockstrap Fan
My exams have involved hardons often — the Corps doctors tended to be VERY fuckable, and as a kid the team doctors were usually young jock-types. None ever did anything other than reassure me that it’s normal, and it’s confirmation of being in good working order.
Very Cool!!


More in my albums!
My exams have involved hardons often — the Corps doctors tended to be VERY fuckable, and as a kid the team doctors were usually young jock-types. None ever did anything other than reassure me that it’s normal, and it’s confirmation of being in good working order.
Exactly! Although, the doctor I met at a porn store who complimented my feet in sandals and offered to give me a complete physical for free definitely was by far after me sexually! Oh the naked fun we enjoyed in his exam room!


Jockstrap Fan
Exactly! Although, the doctor I met at a porn store who complimented my feet in sandals and offered to give me a complete physical for free definitely was by far after me sexually! Oh the naked fun we enjoyed in his exam room!
Details Red. You can’t tease us like that!!!!!!!!!


More in my albums!
I thought I'd already posted all about that exam!
So it started when I was looking thru dvd's at a gay porn store (exclusively gay videos only) in Los Angeles about 30 years ago. I was in shorts and open toed sandals and a handsome older man complimented me on my footwear. We got to talking and he asked if he could look at my feet more closely, so we went out to my car. He fondled, smelled and examined them and revealed he was a general practice doctor with an office nearby.
I told him I'd never had a complete physical with a prostate exam and he invited me to his office the following Saturday morning when it was closed...and empty!
Doctor said he had a foot fetish and was hoping to spend some time with my feet! I jumped at the chance and figured he could play with my feet all he wanted if it meant I could have my Doctor fantasy realized!
Met him at his office and he was smartly dressed as a doctor usually is, white lab coat, dress shirt & tie and stethoscope around his neck. He led me to his exam room and asked me to strip naked. I was wearing just a t-shirt, jockstrap and shorts and flip flops. When I was down to just my jockstrap he remarked that he'd never had a patient wear a jockstrap to an exam. He told me to leave it on and had me get up on exam table where he started a very thorough medical exam on my entire body. He was totally professional and asked the usually questions.
Then he asked me to lie down and he began a pelvic exam and then started to fondle my jockstrapped cock & balls until I was erect. He then gently pulled my jockstrap down then off and I was completely naked, hard & leaking.
He examined my balls vigorously then stroked my cock a few time until rewarded with a big glob of precum. He then leaned down and licked my cockhead clean. He then asked me to stand up and bend over as he lubed up his finger and proceeded to insert his finger slowly into my all to eager asshole! He easily found my prostate and his finger poked and prodded it then started to gingerly massage it expertly. I was soon moaning and my cock was straining hard and pumping out huge precum globs which he commented on was very healthy indeed.
He then engulfed my erection in his mouth and sucked my cock, licked the shaft and tongue my balls all while still massaging my cock! I was in absolute ecstasy! I told him I was about to cum and he stopped and just held my cock still and said not yet young man the exams not over!
He had me lie back down and moved to my feet and spent a decent amount of time examining my feet, giving each toe attention as well as the heels and arches! It felt great!
Suddenly I hear a zipper being unzipped and I next feel his hard cock rubbing my feet bottoms then move on to placing the shaft between toes as best as he could. I could feel him start to leak precum on them, then he started sucking on my toes, lucking my feet and masterbating furiously!
He asked if it was OK if he could cum on my feet and I said sure as long as I could watch him do it! So I sat up and watched my Doctor start to cum all over my feet and he splashed his hot load all over my feet and ankles too! He was quite the loud cummer and as I'd never had a man cum on my feet I was blown away when my cock started to cum all on it's own without either of us touching it! I finally recovered enough to thank Doc profusely and he moved up to my crotch and licked up every drop of my cum eagerly!
He then cleaned up my feet and thanked me for everything. As he put his cock away he told me to get dressed and said I passed my exam with flying cum...er...colors!
He then invited me out to lunch where he told me he was retiring as a Doctor the following week and had always wanted to do that with a patient but was too afraid professionally to try to fulfill his lifelong fantasy! He begged me to keep his secret and we soon parted ways after an extremely affectionate hug!
I had hoped to be invited back, but alas it was just the one time...but what a time!